Acer campestre ‘Carnival’

Carnival Hedge Maple

Smaller and slower than species, forming a low branched spreading tree or large shrub with a dense thickly branched constitution. Should be trained for either considering the foliage display, to limb up like a traditional red maple would be a counterproductive.

Known for the outstanding variegation that consisted of a broad band of white around a medium green center, often 2/3 of the small round lobed leaves are pure white, and has not exhibited any tendency to burn in hot summer weather. In spring the white is infused with rose pink highlights.

Smooth when young, increasing vertically fissured furrows with age, dark gray-brown.



Height 14’-17’
Width 10’-13’
12-year dimensions based on observations in Oregon.

5 to 8

Hedge Maple as a rule is known for its durability and tolerance to a wide range of environmental and soil conditions.

Acer campestre ‘Carnival’

Carnival Hedge Maple

$ 24.50 per plant