Cornus kousa chinensis ‘Aiden’s Mint Frost’

Aiden’s Mint Frost Chinese Dogwood

A deciduous tree with structure that is similar to the Chinese dogwood species but with a narrower habit. The eventual outline with make it more suitable for restricted sites where a broad spreading dogwood is not applicable. The growth rate is very decent as compared to other variegated forms.

One of the few dogwood forms with reticulated variegation and exhibits varying colors throughout the season. In spring the color is a light yellow with dark green veins, the summer color is a combination of medium green, light sea green and a very light yellow-green that some years will appear almost white. The fall color also exhibits the contrasting dark veins with yellows and mostly soft pastel pink that darkens to flamingo pink before leaf drop. The image shows summer and fall colors in transition. Our trees here in Oregon have shown little or no leaf scorch.

Older plants exhibit a showy exfoliation or mahogany, tan and gray.

The pure white modified bract sets that are commonly referenced as “flowers” are borne in a 3-5” wide display of 4 broadly overlapping tapered bracts. The blooms appear in late spring and endure, in some years, for 3 to 5 weeks.

The size varies from year to year but typically a display of 1” strawberry red round fruits appear in late September to early October, very showy.

Height: 20-25’
Width: 12-15’ 

5 to 8

Our introduction, named for my #1 grandson and a result of seedling selections from Cornus kousa chinensis ‘Autumn Rose’, which is the first introduction we made back in the late 70’s.

It should be noted that the initial transplanting will have varying degrees of influence on the foliage color and in most cases the plant will need a few seasons to get established before exhibiting the traits that it was selected for.

Cornus kousa chinensis ‘Aiden’s Mint Frost’

Aiden’s Mint Frost

$ 55
       Limit One Plant

Aiden’s Mint Frost

$ 72
Limit One Plant