Metasequoia glyptostroboides ‘Daweswood Tawny Fleece’

Daweswood Tawny Fleece Dawn Redwood

Deciduous conifer. A newly introduced dwarf witches’ broom with dense structure and conical to rounded outline.

One of the best aspects of this genus with soft feathery fern-like rich green leaves. This selection is prized for bronze tip growth over the underlayment of green. Leaves turn a bronze red in autumn.

Trunks on older trees can be widely flared. The texture is deeply furrowed and reddish brown when young. Older trees exhibit darker brown to black brown in color and exfoliate in long strips.

No ornamental aspects of note.

Ornamentally pleasing with 1” long soft green cylindrical cones born at the branch ends, dark brown at maturity.

Height: 5-7’ (guesstimate)
Width: 6- 8’ (guesstimate)

4 to 8

This close relative of Taxodium (bald cypress) is today a quite popular genus but saw until recently mostly known in the fossil record. In 1941 Chinese forester T. Kan distributed seeds from trees discovered in a natural stand near Modaoqui, China and all progeny in the US are derived from those origins.

The form image courtesy of the Dawes Arboretum, Newark OH.

Metasequoia glyptostroboides ‘Daweswood Tawny Fleece’

Daweswood Tawny Fleece

$ 40 per plant