Ulmus parvifolia ‘DavesStraightUp’ PPAF

DannaSpire® Chinese Elm

A spectacular new columnar form that is a true groundbreaker in the world of elms. The blowing of the proverbial horn on this one is in order, since the first offering anywhere on the planet are plants that became available from our nursery in the summer of 2019. Predictably, this one is wicked fast and in short order it will become a very narrow and symmetrically branched tree with a dominant central leader. The branches on Dannaspire® consistently ascend at a 45° angle from the main trunk, this is a highly unusual trait amongst elms and makes it the narrowest of all the types in use as commercially grown trees. In our opinion this facet makes this exciting introduction one of the best new trees of its type, creating applications for use on the streets, as a screening tree along borders, in groupings, or as a stand alone where a narrow formal look is desired. Chinese elm is known for being easy to get established and has an inherent toughness as it pertains to all sorts of soil and environmental conditions, including an immunity to Dutch elm disease, Japanese beetle and elm leaf beetle.

A rarity for the species with spectacular variegation. New emerging leaves rich red-pink to hot pink changing to soft rose with splotches & speckles of green. At mature size they give way to pure white with irregular patches of green or medium green splashed with white. The latter depends on shade vs sun exposure. These transitional color schemes can be displayed at the branch ends in very short order, making for an uncommon demonstration of contrasting hues. It seems full sun does not seem to hinder. Fall color is scarlet red.

Chinese elm is cherished for this aspect, as the tree matures the gray outer bark peels and flakes off to reveal patches of cream, ginger-orange and russet-brown.

No significant ornamental characteristics noted.

Clusters of wafer-like round samaras develop in the fall, semi-showy but you won’t likely be grabbing the camera to memorialize the moment.
After its discovery in 2001, this cultivar was evaluated by the originator for over 18 years in order to make sure it maintained the remarkably consistent narrow habit exhibited in the parent. We wish to express our appreciation to our friends Dave and Leslie Dannaher of Dannaher Landscaping Inc. in Galena Ohio for allowing us to be the first to evaluate their tree. As a customer, supplier and fellow plantaholic, Dave has provided us many fine plants over the years but this one is destined to be the heavyweight champ. This is a patented plant and propagation without licensing is strictly forbidden – introduced by Plantipp in conjunction with Concept Plants. 

Height 20’-25’
Width 4’-5’
The sizes listed below were relayed to us regarding the dimensions of the parent after 18 years of observation.

5 to 9

$ 50